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Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Bear Lake Injection Wells-

Bear Lake Pa. The wells are proposed Marcellus Shale Wastewater or Fracking Wastewater, that will inject Marcellus Gas fracking fluids into abandon gas wells in Bear Lake Pa.

My trip to Bear Lake Pa.

The two newest per­mit­ted Injec­tion wells (also called brine dis­posal wells) in Pennsylvania are oper­ated by Bear Lake Properties, LLC in War­ren County. Bear Lake Properties President is Karl Kimmich. Local res­i­dents have chal­lenged those per­mits and they’re cur­rently under review. Bear Lake Properties, was permitted last June to inject fracking water into the Medina Formation (depth between 4,200 and 4,300 feet). The drillers use injec­tion wells to dis­pose of fracking waste water, that has a high salt and chem­i­cal con­tent, and contains heavy met­als, and radioac­tive mate­r­ial.
On Sunday, September 16th, 2012 I took a trip to Bear Lake Pa, in Warren County to see the site of the proposed Bear Lake Injection Wells for myself. I wanted to see where they were and how close to people the proposed wells are located.
Actually, I was surprised how close to homes and farms the wells are located. The most depressing fact is that they are "just up the hill a little way" from the very beautiful Tamarack Swamp.
The Tama­rack Swamp is just below or adjacent to the proposed injection well site. What I call a toxic chemical dump. Make that toxic and radioactive chemical dump! Tama­rack Swamp is a rare, white-pine glacial swamp. Accord­ing to James Bis­sell, a botanist at the Cleve­land Museum of Nat­ural His­tory, The swamp contains rare and endan­gered orchids, birds, and drag­on­flies, and is the head­wa­ters for the Bro­ken­straw Creek, which empties into the Allegheny River.
Among the closest homes to the proposed injection wells is a home right across the street (in NY State) heading north, and then just across the street heading east, is an Amish family. There are children just across the street from the dump site in two directions!
There are two dented and rusty looking tanks on the property that some tell me will hold the poison chemicals until they are injected.
Another issue will be the heavy truck traffic on the narrow, winding rural roads that lead to the dump site. There are many Amish in the area and many farms. They do not mix well with "hopped up", impatient, overworked, young frack truck drivers, driving big heavy trucks hauling toxic and radioactive chemicals! God bless the poor Amish. And the poor town folks who will suffer greatly when the truck start rolling through town! Just Google "frack truck accident" or "frac truck accident" if you have any doubts. "Frac truck accident" will yield about two million hits! The truck drivers are mostly young, impatient, overworked, angry and "on something that helps them work long hours"!
Enter the emergency responders! Who may not be fully capable of handing a spill or spills of this nature! GOD only knows what will be in these trucks! And in what concentrations! (Google "H2S" for an education!)
I was impressed when I saw so many "anti-injection well" signs all over town. It's also pretty impressive that so many people came out for the protest they had a while back! And I talked to some really great people in Bear Lake! Good, decent, caring individuals who care about their town and the health of their residents ..... AND CHILDREN!
I'm asking all my friends and associates to please help these people out if you can! Contact your Representative and tell them we don't want fracking waste water dumped down a hole in Bear Lake or ANYPLACE in Pa! Tell the drillers "don't produce this poison if you can't dispose of it properly"!
MORE TO COME SOON ....... tell your friends about this page! And watch it grow! I will be involved in this until the final outcome ......